Location: redlands [greatsouthlands]Van Die Mems land [oz], grace

hated , despised , reviled , villified ,old

Friday, December 08, 2006

jesus was a sun of god... a true son of the father ,
a SUN to the truth of the light that reveal life ,sustain life ,all life
whose fields of magnetic attraction ,holds to gether form
this form ,a skin outer projection as one but constitute and
sustaining many other micro lifes to coegsist and keep our living bio sheres residents /subjects well royally amused

well,. we are all spirits sewn into the skin ,by /via the deepest of the pits of hell
all who fall the the depths are born again ,max sentance down the pits is 9 mounths
for their spirit [who would be human]
20 mounths for those who would be elifant embodiement
we all are heirs of the father
some spend minutes in thier level of earned recreation via the pits ,some days to be reborn a insect ,hours for the micro flora ,thec moulds the acids the fungi the worms
who that can read these words could ever claim to be lonley ,or powerless
you are lord highmaster in your realtime living flesh ,to millions of other lifes,
there are from hear higher births
you see each sun of the father ;s ,reflecting the light and life of the father to light up and reveal in the light the light of the father of all light
well its nearly pay day
SUN TREATY is signed and sealed money issued at ate canberra AB_origonal tent embassy canberra ,parlimentry circle parks ,and gardens of the aborigonal temt embassy elders accomidation ang mens and wiman house of duel patriarcal and matriarchal governance
it is a seed camp for the new years rainbow camp od aborigonal time return
of the dreaming
mounthly time
jan uary is the all of what the cerimonial odligation and break may be
march forward to the moon of march being 2010 ,april/2011,may/2012 ..,jun2013/jul2014
you see many of our tribal lands have been stolen as our children and lore has been stolen,by clever legal movements of possesion into time
99 year leases means loss for 3 generations
for this reason moon time returns
insurance in promise to pay n
we all every life is from our dad ,god,whatever we each believe the mantra of thy name woulds t be ,ana ALFA /\negative alfa
yin/\yan ,male femail ,but who in thier precise center iof balance
would be that 3 rd of enjoinment life ,,love and grace into truth


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